Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Cost Management

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Cost Management


Consolidating Fleet and Travel costs is critical for businesses to understand whether their Business Mobility Policy is operating effectively, Mobility as a Service takes this concept and produces meaningful actionable output for you to answer that question with an emphatic YES!

Questions you may ask:

  • Which travel costs should I include in the calculation?
  • What are the typical costs involved when managing total mobility?  
  • What are my data sources?
  • Is the data I have available in a usable format?
  • What insights can the data bring me?
  • Is this a one off exercise or can it be repeated easily?
  • How do I know if my policy is operating effectively?
  • Can I incorporate Uber & AirBnB spend?
  • Can my chosen suppliers deliver the data I require?

How does it work?

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) cost management is the is the most accurate way of evaluating total business mobility costs. This service factors in every way your employees are mobile including Fleet Costs, Fuel Costs, Travel Expenditure, Mileage Reimbursement, Taxation and any other applicable mobility spend.  

An effective MaaS approach brings together all mobility spend in a cleansed and repeatable way, this delivers actionable insights which can be implemented and then tracked going forwards. In our experience merely bringing this data together in the first instance can deliver significant savings and once implemented a new Mobility Policy will ensure costs don't creep back up.

Our consulting will work with you to deliver a bespoke solution that works for your business, LetsTalk!

Key Features

Total Business Mobility Cost Capture

Data Consolidation & Aggregation

Meaningful Actionable Insights

Future Tracking & Monitoring